Custodian Job Description

Job Title: Custodian

Job Summary: The custodian of the library will be responsible for all care and maintenance of the library building and grounds.

Job Responsibilities:

A. Daily

  1. Sweep/vacuum carpet and all floors in the library, including the Community Room, entrance, work room, offices, and storage rooms.
  2. Clean doors of fingerprints and clean rest room doors and polish knobs.
  3. Clean rest rooms: scrub floors, panels, clean and sanitize toilets, urinals, sinks, changing tables and mirrors.
  4. Replace soap, towels and tissue in the rest rooms and in the Community Room.
  5. Empty all wastebaskets and gather together all miscellaneous waste products, and prepare for periodic scheduled sanitary pickup.

B. Weekly

  1. Clean and sanitize all glass doors.
  2. Clean, dust, and polish woodwork, furniture, counters, ledges, and tables.
  3. Keep outside area free of debris, litter, etc. (bi-weekly)

C. As Needed

  1. Keep the Library Director apprised of anything observed which may present a hazard resulting in potential injury to the library patrons or staff, or cause damage to the building and its equipment, necessitating expensive repairs or replacement if not soon rectified.
  2. Keep the Library Director apprised of any items in need of special care or maintenance by qualified personnel, above and beyond that which is normal care by the custodian.
  3. Keep track of hours worked and hand in to the director.
  4. Wash inside windows.
  5. Spot clean furniture.
  6. Keep Director informed of needed supplies.
  7. Take items for recycling to county waste management (as regulations allow.)

Supervisor: Library Director

Physical Demands: Good physical and mental health. Be able to work from a stepladder or platform when necessary. This job also requires employee to crouch, stoop, bend, stand, and lift up to 75 pounds. Willingness to serve the public and to cooperate with the board and the public.

Qualifications: Able to maintain a work schedule without continual direct supervision from library staff, since much of the work will be done when the library is closed. One year custodial of equivalent experience preferred.

Substitute: A substitute will be named to serve as custodian in times of vacation, illness or emergency. The Board will approve selected substitute.

Working conditions: Robey Memorial Library is a modern, handicapped accessible, well-lit, temperature controlled, and smoke free environment.

Personnel Policies and Benefits for Custodian Position: For details, see the Office of the City Clerk, Waukon, IA as the benefits are identical to policies and benefits of the City of Waukon.

I, ____________________________, have read the above job description and fully understand the conditions set forth therein, and if employed as custodian, I will perform these duties to the best of my knowledge and ability.

Date ___________________ Signed _____________________________

Adopted July, 1999
Reviewed January, 2005
Reviewed January, 2009
Reviewed April, 2012
Revised February, 2013
Reviewed November, 2015
Revised August, 2016
Revised December, 2018

Revised September, 2021
Revised August, 2022